Sandhills, Tāhunanui, Nelson
Landscape view of sand dunes. Upper two thirds of the canvas filled with cloudy sky. Clumps of grasses and three patches of light lower third of canvas.
Verso (in original owner’s hand) Sandhills Tahuna-nui [sic], Nelson by Flora Scales. Date possibly 1927 or a little earlier.
Verso framer's label
Private Collection
New Zealand
This painting was given as a wedding gift by the artist to her friend Beth Gilmour in 1924 at which time she supplied the title. Patience Tennent, the artist's niece, was Beth’s eight-year-old bridesmaid. Mrs Gilmour later gave the painting to Tennent.
Images taken from 6x4 reproduction originally taken by B. de Lange, Havelock North, New Zealand, early 1980s.