[Cows Under a Tree]
One standing cow to the left of a tree and a group of three standing cows to the right under the shading branches. Three more lightly drawn cows lying further to the right.
Private Collection
New Zealand
Original owner Patience Tennent, the artist's niece.
Flora Scales in conversation with M. de Lange, 1983, recalled this scene in Nelson, New Zealand, supplying the approximate date and exclaiming, “Dear cows! Dear pets! Madame Kalachnikoff doesn’t like their udders – tits. I had to feed calves and all sorts of things and I loved them.” In this passage Scales was probably referring to episodes in her life as a young woman visiting family and friends on farms near Wellington.
Images taken from 6x4 reproduction originally taken by B. de Lange, Havelock North, New Zealand, early 1980s.