Canterbury Society of Arts Annual Exhibition 1917




Christchurch, New Zealand

Canterbury Society of Arts Annual Exhibition 1917

No. 9 Barges, Wanganui £1.1.0 [Location Unknown]
No. 27 Outward Bound £1.1.0 [Location Unknown]
No. 28 Summertime £3.3.0 [Location Unknown]
No. 235A The Load of Wood £1.1.0 [Location Unknown]
No. 298 After the Mid-day Meal £3.3.0 [Location Unknown]
No. 318 Midsummer £3.3.0 [Location Unknown]

Exhibition reviews

‘Among the Pictures, Art Society’s Exhibition’, The Press, 16 March 1917, pg 8, “Miss Flora Scales also manages to get that rather difficult effect of bright and vivid sunlight in several of her small sketches, which are distinctly pleasing.”

‘Society of Arts Annual Exhibition’, Lyttelton Times, 27 March 1917, pg 7, “Flora Scales's etching, “A Load of Wood,” is a pleasant little picture, but in "After the Midday Meal" the horse is altogether too purple for plain folk who do not understand the strange ways of reflected light.” 

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