Canterbury Society of Arts Annual Exhibition 1920


11 March, 1920


Christchurch, New Zealand

Canterbury Society of Arts Annual Exhibition 1920

No. 376 Autumn Pastures £10.10.0 [Location Unknown]
No. 405 Midsummer £5.5.0 [Location Unknown]
No. 409 The Old Hulk unpriced [Location Unknown]
No. 414 Windy Point £3.3.0 [Location Unknown]
No. 434 The Anvil £5.5.0 [Location Unknown]

Exhibition reviews

‘Art Exhibition’, Lyttelton Times, 17 March 1920, pg 10, “The work of Miss Flora Scales always awakes our interest. It is so direct, so honest, in some ways so masterful, end yet she never seems to carry her exhibition pictures beyond a certain stage. As studies they are excellent and full of promise, but she has not as yet sent in anything in the shape of a real picture. Her work this year, all the same, shows a great advance. Three of her pictures at least, Nos. 405, 409 and 376, have the quality of charm which almost disarms the critic. No. 405 is, we think, impressionism at its best—the clear firm statement of an impression, with extraordinary simplicity and economy of means and yet completely satisfying. The peaceful harbour, the resting hills, the brief, beautiful moment between the lights, painted with a touch so light end firm that one forgets to criticise the central placing of the boat, the most dark against the hills, light against the water. These be little things but then the picture is so slight, and its beauty otherwise so perfect.”

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