October, 1920
Wellington, New Zealand
Opening of Mr E. Murray Fuller’s private gallery, McDonald Building, Willis Street, next to the Albert Hotel, Wellington, New Zealand. The gallery holds a permanent exhibition of work by New Zealand artists.
The gallery has many changes of address; by September 1921 it was at Vickers House corner of Woodward Street and The Terrace, September 1922 it was at 190 Lambton Quay and by September 1924 it was at 236 Lambton Quay. By 1923 the gallery included work by British artists such as Lamorna Birch.
An advertisement in the New Zealand Academy of Fine Arts Catalogue, 1920, details, “The quality and interest of this exhibit will be obvious when it is said that the leading New Zealand artist are represented, including Archibald F. Nicoll, W. A Bowring, Nugent Welch, F. McCracken, W. Robert Johnson, H. Linley Richardson, John Weeks, Miss D. K. Richmond and Miss Flora Scales.”