E. Murray Fuller Gallery 1920


October, 1920


Wellington, New Zealand

Opening of Mr E. Murray Fuller’s private gallery, McDonald Building, Willis Street, next to the Albert Hotel, Wellington, New Zealand. The gallery holds a permanent exhibition of work by New Zealand artists.

The gallery has many changes of address; by September 1921 it was at Vickers House corner of Woodward Street and The Terrace, September 1922 it was at 190 Lambton Quay and by September 1924 it was at 236 Lambton Quay. By 1923 the gallery included work by British artists such as Lamorna Birch.

An advertisement in the New Zealand Academy of Fine Arts Catalogue, 1920, details, “The quality and interest of this exhibit will be obvious when it is said that the leading New Zealand artist are represented, including Archibald F. Nicoll, W. A Bowring, Nugent Welch, F. McCracken, W. Robert Johnson, H. Linley Richardson, John Weeks, Miss D. K. Richmond and Miss Flora Scales.”

Exhibition reviews

Advertisements Column 8, New Zealand Times, 30 October 1920, pg 3, “An interesting project in connection with New Zealand art has been undertaken by Mr E. Murray Fuller, who has opened a permanent exhibition of Paintings and Etchings at his Studio in the new McDonald Building, in Willis street. The exhibits shown will comprise nothing but originals, and will represent the best that is being produced by leading artists throughout New Zealand. The opportunity thus offered to collectors, tourists, and others to inspect and purchase worthy New Zealand pictures, is one that will doubtless be widely appreciated. Mr Fuller has been appointed representative for such notable artists as Archibald F. Nicoll, S.S.A., H. Linley Richardson, R.B.A., Nugent Welch, F. McCracken, W. Robert Johnson, John Weeks, T. A. McCormack, Miss D. K. Richmond, Miss Flora Scales; also for the sculptures of Joseph Ellis.”

‘A Private Gallery’, Evening Post, 13 November 1920, pg 10, “Mr. E. Murray Fuller (himself an artist) has taken a definite step to encourage public interest in the work of New Zealand artists. He has opened a private gallery in the new McDonald Building, Willis street, next the Albert Hotel. Here he will hold a permanent exhibition of New Zealand art. Those at present shown are paintings by Archibald F. Nicoll (S.S.A.), W. Tiller, H. Linley Richardson (R.B.A.), T. A. McCormack, Nugent Welch, John Weeks, Misses Flora Scales, D. K. Richmond, and Edith Barker. Only original works will be shown. The examples at present hung are some of the best of the artists named, and are of interest and value from more exacting considerations than the fact that they are painted by New Zealand artists. This fact counts, of course, for Mr. Fuller is convinced that the painter deserves more honour than his own country usually gives him; but the value of the exhibition only begins at that point. The works shown claim respectful consideration on their merits first of all. They will stand that test. Visitors who are really interested in art are always welcome at the gallery. There is no charge for admission.”