New Zealand Academy of Fine Arts Annual Exhibition 1922




Wellington, New Zealand

New Zealand Academy of Fine Arts Annual Exhibition 1922

No. 162 Winter Ploughing oil £6.6.0 [Location Unknown]
No. 424 Anticipation charcoal £3.10.0 [Location Unknown]
No. 433 The Quiet Hour pen and ink £5.5.0 [Location Unknown]

Exhibition reviews

‘Local Academy’, Evening Post, 26 September 1922, pg 4, “The work of that clever painter of horses, Miss Flora Scales, is all too rarely seen of late. There is a realistic study of dogs in charcoal, called "Anticipation" (424), and an oil painting, "Winter Ploughing" (162), and a pen and ink interior—a Rembrantesque study of contrast—and that is all from Miss Scales. It is enough to show her cleverness, but not enough to satisfy the many admirers of her work.”